Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Currency Of Kindness

A most powerful force is kindness. It seems to have a life of its own. It´s like a manifested organism multiplying on the inside and the outside. Highly contagious.

There are levels to the value of it of course.

Some manifested kindness is not kindness. It´s selfish. It comes with a condition. I once came across this Tibetan doctor who would treat her patients for free. Asked why, she would say: It will get me a good karma for the next life!.

Really. Don’t think the universe sees through that? Cosmic Certified Selfishness. C´mon.

Any act of kindness that comes with a condition is ego-build up.

Any act of kindness that comes without condition is ego take down.

This autumn I accidentally stumbled in to some very kind people who taught me the value of kindness. It amazed me. It came without any conditions. Just a reach out and doors opened.

That is really valuable, the door opener effect. Every person on this planet is plugged into a neural network and when networks open up, the climb uphill becomes somehow easier. It transcends into a beautiful journey with a gentle breeze supporting you.

Be a door opener, it’s a loving quantum leap.

So I try to go with the currency of kindness and manifest it as good as I can. Not easy, but I think I´m getting the hang of it. A lot of Matrix programming to the concept of kindness has to be transcended. The goody-goody do right. What if people abuse it and such?

They can`t because I noticed I didn’t care if they did and then: nobody did.

Before I sound like a Southern Baptist Holy Roller who just met the Lord I also discovered that I had to call on my dark passenger from time to time. The shadow. The ego. And manifest rage and anger.

I found out that I still needed it. My son got expelled from a field trip with his school for being a veggie. Yes-he did. And I went “Samuel Jackson Pulp Fiction” mode and took the building down. Good learning for psychopath teachers I think. Couldn’t have done it without my dark side.

There is highly intoxicated new age rubbish about taking the ego down. Ego equals: No good.
There is on the other hand the more esoteric approach to the ego. Still needed. Still powerful.

I heard Gerald Celente say: “When Jesus The Prince of Peace confronted the money lenders outside the temple he went raging”. Very cool. Social indignation? His dark passenger? Again I´m not into religion, I´m into celestial.

The currency of the new dawn is kindness.

It’s a choice one has to take. By doing that it becomes a habit. But you got to do it for the right reason and that will be: For no reason!

Other than being kind, helping, nourishing and such and dodging the programming of “They take every good thing and destroy it“ – matrix mantra.

By manifesting kindness we will attract kindness. Its a universal dynamic like being evil on a conscious level. It´s really all about choice. Everything is.

Kindness is in a massive build up taking down the matrix.

Some countries actually tax kindness. They call it “Friendly Favors “. Among so called “ordinary citizens”. So they must be very scared of it. They know it will crack the matrix.

That’s a very good reason to go: Kindness Currency.

Deposits in the souls of the heart people. I love them. They are very kind and expect nothing in return.

Naive, think? That’s the matrix talking.

Gentle, loving, giving celestial manifesting beings. Yes we are if we want to be.

The currency of kindness will provide for us – when we provide for it.

About the Author

Soren Dreier is the author of Zen-Haven, an excellent blog with mind-blowing perspectives on the modern world.

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