Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Society's insanity plea: the real cause behind global mass poisoning and the downfall of modern civilization

There are over five thousand species of mammals on planet Earth, but only one of them is insane. 

It also turns out there is only one species of mammal that intentionally poisons itself (and its children) by injecting toxic, neuro-damaging chemicals into most members of the species. That species is, of course, homo sapiens.

If you look around the planet these days, you see tens of thousands of species of mammals, birds, reptiles and even insects. Five things all these have in common is:

1) None of them eat processed foods. They innately eat raw, unprocessed, uncooked foods from nature.

2) None of them take prescription medications.

3) None of them inject their offspring with toxic vaccines laced with hidden chemicals.

4) None of them practice mechanized chemical agriculture / monoculture.

5) None of them live in delusional, artificial worlds of TV or the internet.

Yet humans, the most insane species on the planet, routinely engage in all five of these things, poisoning their own bodies, minds and children with heavy metals, pesticides, mercury, vaccine adjuvants, mind-altering medications, chemical solvents, GMOs and delusional mind programming.

And so it's not really a surprise to see where this brings us. Today our society is dominated by images of power hungry perverts (like Anthony Weiner) running for mayor, pathological liars in the White House, diabolically imbalanced artists like Lady Gaga headlining the music scene, brain-dead teleprompter readers delivering the evening news and MSNBC hosts preaching infanticide (baby killing) by calling it "post-birth abortion."

What is the root cause of all this insanity? It's POISON. Physical, chemical, biological poison.

Humans are poisoning themselves to death

Consider these shocking truths of modern society:

• Our food is intentionally laced with chemical poisons to make it look red (sodium nitrite), or taste savory (MSG), or last longer on the shelves (chemical preservatives).

• Our medicines are laced with fluorine molecules to make them highly reactive to brain cells (SSRIs).

• Our vaccines our formulated with trace levels of brain-damaging methyl mercury and chemical adjuvants to provoke an "inflammatory" response in the immune system which also happens to cause autism, seizures and brain damage.

• Our lawns are sprayed with synthetic poisons that cause Alzheimer's and depression.

• Our water supply is used as a toxic waste dump to dispose of fluoride compound chemicals that would otherwise have to be handled as toxic waste.

• Food intended for human consumption is intentionally stripped of most minerals, vitamins and nutrients to promote the maximum disease, while food intended for ranch animal consumption is fortified with minerals, vitamins and nutrients to promote maximum health. (If you don't realize your food is stripped of nutrition, ask yourself why your sugar and bread are both white when the plants they come from are green and brown...)

• The media teaches the public that nutrition is useless but that prescription medications are "essential nutrients" required for healthy living.

• There is lead in cosmetics, cadmium in rice, arsenic in seaweed, mercury in vaccines and aluminum in almost everything. The human race is being heavily poisoned with heavy metals.

These toxins cause brain damage

The cumulative effect of metals poisoning, fluoride poisoning, pesticide poisoning, vaccine poisoning and food additive poisoning is biochemical brain damage. read more

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