Friday, 2 August 2013

Brain-to-Brain Control Established Between Humans and Animals at Harvard

Every day seems to bring new revelations in the area of neuroscience. 

Based on the recent whistleblower release of a secret DARPA mind control program at Arizona State University, and the subsequent takedown of those documents, it appears that ethical concerns in this field are indeed justified.

Obama's BRAIN project appears to being paying dividends, as other recently leaked documents reveal a "nudge squad" program being developed to employ new, sophisticated narrative propaganda aimed at "shaping Americans' behavior."

Just in the past few weeks, we have also learned that scientists have been working on "neural dust" to create a remote-controlled computer pathway to the brain; and that scientists have been successful implanting false memories in mice.

Yes, the age of direct mind control is here.

Experiments in controlling gadgets and even drones have also been successful. So what's the next logical step?

How about controlling other living beings by thought alone.

Extreme Tech reports:

Researchers at Harvard University have created the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface (BBI) between a human … and a rat. Simply by thinking the appropriate thought, the BBI allows the human to control the rat’s tail. This is one of the most important steps towards BBIs that allow for telepathic links between two or more humans — which is a good thing in the case of friends and family, but terrifying if you stop to think about the nefarious possibilities of a fascist dictatorship with mind control tech. read more

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