Thursday, 29 August 2013

The universe is comprised of information & energy, how to use it.

As quantum physics can now confirm, the universe we live in is not made up of solid objects but of energy and information. 

This discovery holds vast implications for understanding the nature of our world and in understanding the true source of vibrant health. It also means that it is possible to encapsulate all the concepts discussed in the world of holistic natural health into a single unified theory.

Universal law: The true source of health or disease

Since we reside in the universe, it is dictated that we are subject to universal and natural laws. That being said, in an information universe made up of energy, health or disease can only come from one place. That place is from information. The concept goes like this: When the cells in our bodies are aligned with pure, healthy sources of information, we are healthy. Likewise when we are exposed to distorted information fields, we can experience ill-health if we don't remove the source of the distorted information.

Sources of healthy information fields and distorted information fields

So what are some examples of pure information fields and distorted information fields, you ask? Well, some examples of pure information is eating pure, natural, uncooked organic food and pure filtered water. Putting that type of fuel into our bodies injects pure energy spin and leads to vibrant health. Some examples of distorted information are junk food and the electro-magnetic fields generated by wireless networks and cell phone towers. Junk food laced with GMOs has a negative information energy spin which will eventually cause ill-health if we continue to consume it, while EMF radiation is a source of negative and distorted information which disrupts the body's energy field and which over time will rob us of vibrant health if the source of the distorted energy is not removed. Pathogens are another source of distorted, disharmonious information. If harmful bacteria or a virus becomes lodged in our system, it creates distortion in the normal operations of our bodies and will cause ill-health.

Encapsulating all health-related information into a single concept

As you can probably tell by now, this information has fundamental implications in the arena of natural health. What it means is that essentially, all information, articles and suggestions we read about natural health are directing us to fill our lives and bodies with clean, health sources of information while avoiding and reducing sources of distorted information. This is the unified key to the source of all health and healing as well as the source of all ill-health and disease. If we use our logic and intuition, it becomes relatively easy to deduce whether a food, energy field or environment is filled with pure spin energy or distorted energy. Then we can consciously make the choice whether or not to interact with said information source. This enables us to powerfully take control of our health destinies and, by extension, our lives; something that all health-conscious individuals are directly or indirectly seeking.

Become Quantum active

Quantum Activism is about changing ourselves and creating a better world in accordance with the new paradigm articulated by Quantum Physics: consciousness creates reality. The goal of a quantum activist is to express Good, Beauty, Truth, Justice, and Love in their life and to intend those qualities for all of humanity. In doing so, the quantum activist will help transform the world.

You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” ~ Albert Einstein

Start With Yourself

If you want peace in the world, then be at peace with everyone in your life and everyone that you encounter – all of your family, coworkers, ex-spouses, even perceived enemies and people who have harmed you.

If you want clean water and clear skies, then do everything you can to protect the environment and keep your own living environment clean.

Look at the glass as half full.  Be optimistic.  Choose to be happy.  If you find yourself slipping into negative thoughts or a dark mood, catch yourself, and say: I choose to feel good now.  Or, I choose to be happy now.  Think of something that puts a smile on your face.  Whistle.  Sing a song.

Live your light.  The more you shine your light, the more you will illuminate the way for others to see their own divine nature.  The best way is to love and believe in yourself.  There’s not anything that you need to go out and do. It’s about the state of being that you hold as you go through life and move through the world.  It’s really very simple.

Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

There is No Us Versus Them.

Our collective consciousness has created the problems of our world.  You cannot solve the problems by fighting against anyone or anything.  Avoid judging others as being wrong.  And, never focus on what you don’t want.  Simply, send out heart-felt intentions of what you do want.   

Remember, there is only movement toward consciousness or away from consciousness.

We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by all that is.” ~ Serge Kahili

Always Remember Others

We are all connected.  When you hurt someone else (physically or emotionally) or hold grudges, you are hurting yourself. When someone really has hurt you he was simply not aware of the fact that he was actually hurting himself since all information, energies & acts are connected to yourself as the source of it. And it will eventually come back.

So, forgive others.  This will relieve so much. Rather than looking for faults in others, look for the good in them. Be kind and compassionate. Also, be sure to include others in your heart-felt intentions.

Forgive them  for they don't know what they're doing. (to themselves)

An Invitation

A few of us will start this.  I invite you to become a quantum activist with this resolution in mind:  we can change ourselves and we can change the world simultaneously.” ~Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

More Quantum Activism Quotes

“We have problems galore in our society and culture.  All of these problems can be traced to the conflict between spirituality and materiality.  The good news is that the worldview conflict between spirituality and materialist science has been resolved in favor of an inclusive world-view based on the primacy of consciousness and quantum physics.  It took quantum physics for us to discover spirituality within science.  We must use quantum physics’ guidance to restore spirituality and unity to our society.”

“We have created the problems of our world; we have to recreate the world of solutions… Conventional activism separates, us (those doing right) versus them (those doing wrong).  Quantum physics says that all is movement of consciousness; we are the world.  There is no us versus them. There is only movement toward consciousness or away from consciousness.”

“Quantum activism focuses both on individual and collective change.  Today our activists perpetuate the separateness that creates the problems we want resolved.  We ‘battle’ the perpetrators of the problems, negativity with negativity.  Quantum activism will succeed where other activist movements failed because they are founded on separateness.”

“Start with yourself.  Only if you change can the world change.  We are just taking it a little bit further.  Not only do you start with yourself, but always remember others.”

“We need to change first.  We need to be inclined towards positive.  If our own hearts are open and we approach things with love, then other people will pick it up.”

“Even if only a small fraction of us become inspired to change, the change will come for all.”

“Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities; possibilities proliferate when we sit quietly in the ‘be’ mode, doing nothing.  Occasionally, we choose from among the possibilities precipitating an action, a ‘do’ mode.”

“If some of us could practice do good, be good, practice do-be-do-be-do regularly, be with God some of the time, and be in the ego some of the time, and let the dance generate creative acts of transformation, then I think we will hit a certain threshold and will be able to achieve very quickly the power of downward causation in unprecedented numbers.  This is a threshold that will carry us towards making that fundamental step that these changes will take hold in all of humanity, not just a few of us.”

“The goal of the quantum activist is to explore quantum possibilities and manifest these archetypes—Good, Beauty, Truth, Justice, and Love—in his or her life as intimately and as expressly as one can, and in doing so to help transform the world. The means a quantum activist uses to achieve this goal are threefold—right thinking, right living, and right livelihood.”

“Right thinking consists of understanding the paradigm shift from a user’s point of view and helping others in our environment to do so. Right living consists of walking the talk, manifesting our understanding in how we live, and becoming guiding examples for the inspiration of others. As such it takes a lot of quantum leaps, openness to being in the nonlocality of God consciousness which informs the doing of the ego’s day to day activities;, and the desire to change hierarchical relationships into tangled ones. Right livelihood consists of earning our living in a way that is congruent with our modes of thinking and living and helping our entire society to achieve this congruence.”

“Our challenge is to go beyond ego to higher nonlocal consciousness and access creativity and transformation.”

“The Secret behind the Secret is that we must choose creatively in synchrony with quantum consciousness to manifest our intentions.” 

Conscious life
Zach C. Miller
Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., a retired professor emeritus of theoretical physics and the author of “Quantum Mechanics

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