Sunday, 27 October 2013

Cellphone users are ‘Guinea Pigs’ developing brain Cancer?

Two recent studies provide fuel for both camps: They both find the association between brain cancer and cell phone use is dubious. Does this mean they found no associations? Hardly.

The debate about whether cell phones cause brain tumors continues as two new studies appear to illustrate that brain cancers do not rise as a result to increased cell phone use – at least until the data is looked at more closely.

In the first of the two – from the University of Oxford's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – followed 791,710 middle aged-women for seven years – after they reported their cell phone use in 1999, 2005 and 2009.

The research discovered 51,680 invasive cancers and 1,261 central nervous system cancers during the period.

The research found that there was no increase in any cancers – including brain cancers – for those women who used cell phones versus those who did not.

However, when non-cell phone users were compared with cell users who had used cell-phones for more than ten years, there was a 10% increase in meningioma risk. While the results were clear, the researchers did not consider the finding as significant enough.

In addition to this, compared to non-cell phone users, the long-term (10+ years) use of cell phones increased the risk of acoustic neuroma by two-and-a-half times. Perhaps they didn't think this was significant because acoustic neuromas are considered non-malignant, and thus not a true cancer. That may be true, but this is not a reason to ignore the increased risk.

According to the research, these risks also increased as cell phone use increased – making the risk "dose-dependent."

When a risk is dose-dependent, it validates the causation element of the study. It means that the longer a person uses the cell phone, the greater the risk.

Learn more about balancing EMFs in the digital age.

Study tracks meningioma cases...

With regards to meningioma, a more recent study from Swedish researchers, published in this July's Environmental Health Journal, also found minimal increased risk from increased cell phone use.

This study tracked 709 meningioma patients and compared them with 1,368 control subject subjects. They compared mobile phone usage among both groups, and analyzed the data using a latency period – the amount of time from tracked usage - of 25 years.

Here the researchers found, once again, little increased risk – but some. And the risk appeared to increase with increased cell phone use.

Two periods of use – between one and five years and over twenty-five years, showed an increased risk of meningioma by 30% among those who used wireless phones over a 25 year period.

In the highest-use quartile, wireless and mobile phone use resulted in a higher risk of meningioma, by 30% for mobile phones and 40% for wireless phones, and 80% increased risk for cordless phone use.

The increased risks was found to be related primarily to those who used their phones equivalent to about 40 minutes a day for 10 years, equated to 2,376 hours of cumulative use.

The researchers stated that:

"There was a statistically significant trend for increasing cumulative use of 3G mobile phones, cordless phones, phones of the digital type (2G, 3G and/or cordless phone), and wireless phones in total."
They also noted that there was more than a seven times increased risk for high-use 3G cell phone use. But this was considered not significant because it was based on only five users.

"No Conclusive Evidence"

It should be noted that in both of these studies, the researchers clearly stated that they found no conclusive evidence of a link between cell phones and brain cancer.

"No conclusive evidence" is a tricky concept, and yes, to establish a "conclusive" result, there must no doubt. Is there ever no doubt in scientific research? Both of these studies presented enough evidence that the brain cancers may have not come from cell phone use to utilize these terms.

This doesn't mean they proved there is no association, however. Quite the contrary.

The fact that in both studies, risk levels did increase with more use does provide some indication that there could be a link. But there is still more evidence needed. Time perhaps?

In the latest study, for example, one of the problems presented by the researchers was the fact that the use of cell phones and wireless phones are ubiquitous.

And previous studies have also exposed this risk among long-time users. As stated in a 2013 recent review in the Journal of Pathophysiology:

"Studies carried out in Sweden indicate that those who begin using either cordless or mobile phones regularly before age 20 have greater than a fourfold increased risk of ipsilateral glioma."

It only makes sense to consider a wired headset or using the speaker system available on most new cell phones. What's the difficulty with that? I personally prefer not feeling my ear heat up (which has also been studied and found to cause other issues). Maybe it doesn't look as cool as walking around with a phone stuck to the head, but hey, when has being healthy ever looked cool?

Benson VS, Pirie K, Schüz J, Reeves GK, Beral V, Green J; Million Women Study Collaborators. Mobile phone use and risk of brain neoplasms and other cancers: prospective study. Int J Epidemiol. 2013 Jun;42(3):792-802. doi:10.1093/ije/dyt072.

Carlberg M, Söderqvist F, Hansson Mild K, Hardell L. Meningioma patients diagnosed 2007--2009 and the association with use of mobile and cordless phones: a case--control study. Environ Health. 2013 Jul 19;12(1):60.

Davis DL, Kesari S, Soskolne CL, Miller AB, Stein Y. Swedish review strengthens grounds for concluding that radiation from cellular and cordless phones is a probable human carcinogen. Pathophysiology. 2013 Apr;20(2):123-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2013.03.001.]

Guinea Pigs?

The average phone per person ratio inside of the United States is around 1.57, meaning that there are more cellphones in the nation than there are people — and the numbers are climbing. In the past, we have seen a number of alarming studies regarding the effects of cellphone radiation after it has permeated the human skull for hours on end. One study even found around a 290% increase in brain tumor risk through the use of a cellphone on the side in which it was used.

In rebuttal, telecom industries helped to prop up the opposition, stating that there was no increase in brain tumors after cellphone use. But what about overall brain changes? Or how about the environmental impact of mass cellphone use? We’ve seen research showing behavioral changes in children when their pregnant mothers are consistently using their cellphone, and we’ve even seen cell towers damaging wildlife through electromagnetic radiation in India.

I recently joined the international television network RT, which has an impressive reach of 53 million homes worldwide, to discuss the reality that mega cellphone providers are fully aware of the risks their inventions are presenting to the public. I also issued a prediction that we will begin to see a number of lawsuits come about regarding the damage from cellphone use, and telecom companies know this as they have already issued legal safeguards in their own safety manuals for the phone.

Just look at the Apple warning for the iPhone, which clearly states to never even use your phone near your head or even carry it in your pocket:

For optimal mobile device performance and to be sure that human exposer to RF energy does not exceed the FCC, IC, and European Union guidelines, always follow these instructions and precautions: When on a call using the built-in audio receiver in iPhone, hold iPhone with the dock connector pointed down toward your shoulder to increase separation from the antenna. When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) away from the body, and only use carrying cases , belt clips, or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm (5/8″) separation between iPhone and the body.”

These companies put these ‘warnings’ in their safety guidelines booklets because they are fully aware that lawsuits will come from cellphone users developing serious conditions. Ultimately, it will be these ‘warnings’ and instructions that also help to keep them bulletproof from any responsibility. The reality is that we do not even fully know what the mass use of cellphones will truly result in.

Heavy Cell Phone Use Linked To Cancer, Study Suggests

An Israeli scientist, Dr. Siegal Sadetzki, has found a link between cell phone usage and the development of tumors.
Dr. Sadetzki, a physician, epidemiologist and lecturer at Tel Aviv University, published the results of a study recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology, in which she and her colleagues found that heavy cell phone users were subject to a higher risk of benign and malignant tumors of the salivary gland.

Those who used a cell phone heavily on the side of the head where the tumor developed were found to have an increased risk of about 50% for developing a tumor of the main salivary gland (parotid), compared to those who did not use cell phones.

The fact that the study was done on an Israeli population is significant. Says Sadetzki, "Unlike people in other countries, Israelis were quick to adopt cell phone technology and have continued to be exceptionally heavy users. Therefore, the amount of exposure to radiofrequency radiation found in this study has been higher than in previous cell phone studies.

"This unique population has given us an indication that cell phone use is associated with cancer," adds Sadetzki, whose study investigated nearly 500 people who had been diagnosed with benign and malignant tumors of the salivary gland.

Controlled Study Reveals Link

The study's subjects were asked to detail their cell phone use patterns in terms of how frequently they used one, and the average length of calls. They were compared to a sample of about 1,300 healthy control subjects.
The study also found an increased risk of cancer for heavy users who lived in rural areas. Due to fewer antennas, cell phones in rural areas need to emit more radiation to communicate effectively.

Sadetzki predicts that, over time, the greatest effects will be found in heavy users and children.
While anecdotal evidence has been substantial, the consistency of the results of this study support an association between cell phone use and these tumors. The risks have been hard to prove, mainly due to the long latency period involved in cancer development, explains Sadetzki.

Keep Calling but Call Smarter

Today it is estimated that more than 90% percent of the Western world uses cell phones. As the technology becomes cheaper and more accessible, its usage by a greater number of people, including children, is bound to increase.

"While I think this technology is here to stay," Sadetzki says, "I believe precautions should be taken in order to diminish the exposure and lower the risk for health hazards." She recommends that people use hands-free devices at all times, and when talking, hold the phone away from one's body. Less frequent calls, shorter in duration, should also have some preventative effect.

While she appreciates the ease of communication that cell phones allow between parents and their children, Sadetzki says that parents need to consider at what age their children start using them. Parents should be vigilant about their children's using speakers or hands-free devices, and about limiting the number of calls and amount of time their children spend on the phone.
"Some technology that we use today carries a risk. The question is not if we use it, but how we use it," concludes Sadetzki.

Sadetzki's main research on this new study was carried out at the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research at the Sheba Medical Center. Her research is part of the international Interphone Study, which attempts to determine an association between cell phones and several types of brain and parotid gland tumors.

Cell phone tower radiation

The International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC), based upon findings from research conducted by an international think tank, came to the conclusion that radio frequency radiation, including the radiation spewing from cell towers, is a possible carcinogen.

The BioInitiative 2012 Report written by a group of leading independent international scientists has put out an unequivocal health warning against exposure to EMFs. This includes exposures from cell phone towers.

Why are cell phone towers particularly dangerous?

The threat comes from the constant nature of the activity of the towers; they emit pulsed radio frequency radiation. This radiation has been shown in thousands of studies to cause biological damage to the body and to be a precursor to disease.

What are some of the dangers (besides cancer), which result from this damage and are associated with EMFs and cell phone antennae?

• Genetic mutations
• Memory disruptions
• Hindered learning
• Insomnia
• Brain disorders
• Hormonal imbalances
• Infertility
• Dementia
• Heart complications

These dangers clearly make it imperative to take action.
EMF effects of towers & phones: pdf

How to make popcorn with a phone:

How to bake an egg with phones:


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