Friday, 3 January 2014

Huge Crop Circle Appears In California - December 31, 2013

A massive crop circle taking up approximately one acre of land appeared in Salinas, California during the night of December 30, 2013. 

The dots in the center of the formation are apparently a message encoded in braille. KSBW consulted braille transcriber Debra Falanga, as well as orchestra conductor Carl Christensen, and both agree the dots are braille and the message is "192". It translates directly as:

192 192
B 192 1
192 192

"It's fascinating. I don't know what it means, but it's readable," Falanga said. "Those dots are in very specific order. It's so perfect it's almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form."
"Now we just need to follow the 192 clue!" Christensen said.

If this crop circle is man made, it would have taken a lot of time,  calculation, math, tools and a lot of planning. I’m not saying this wasn’t a prank, perhaps it was, but that shouldn’t take away from the fact that far more complex designs have been appearing all over the world for a very long time. Complex design is not the only factor that has people asking if some of these designs are made by non human intelligence, there are a number of shocking and astonishing factors that plague the crop circle mystery.

A YouTube video was uploaded by two friends who were driving right by the same field that night is also making its way around mainstream media outlets. It shows mysterious green flashes which is also creating a buzz around the circle.  The circles were discovered by professional photographer Julie Belanger and Pat Belanger, who took a helicopter ride over the field.

Although there have been many man made crop circles, intricate designs like this one have been appearing for years and continue to baffle observers. People constantly wonder how a few people could be responsible for thousands of  complex, detailed, perfectly symmetrical and complicated designs. It’s easy to tell the difference between circles that are the work of pranksters, compared to the ones that must have been done by talented artists, or something not of this world.  Keep in mind that these circles are made in the dead of night.

The crop circle phenomenon is very interesting. Understandably, one might be quick to instantly dismiss the idea that some of these designs could be the work of something we have yet to completely understand. Many reasons to further ponder these wonders of the world exist.
Firstly, they appear all over the planet, every year and completely baffle people with their designs. Some of them are so complex, beautiful and perfectly symmetrical that they leave onlookers stumped.

Secondly, the electromagnetic field over the area where the crop has been laid down to create the image is often electrostatically charged.
Some crop circle areas are littered with strange magnetic particles.
I’d also like to note that military helicopters are constantly seen over crop circles, and given the fact that dozens of governments and military agencies have already officially disclosed the presence of UFOs, it’s interesting that they also have an interest in crop circles.
Regardless of whether this is a hoax, the crop circle phenomenon is very real. As to who is designing them, I’ll leave that up to you. Certainly, the ones that are extremely complex, beautiful, has an electrostatically charged electromagnetic field and the ones littered with strange magnetic particles are definitely something bizarre and of high interest interest to many people.

Ridiculing something you know nothing about, and refusing to investigate it first is the height of ignorance. Like many phenomena, crop circles are one that have been ridiculed by the mainstream media and as a result many are quick to dismiss any other explanation that does not involve the word prank, or fit the accepted framework of knowledge and information. If you do the research and actually look into it, you will see that this is a very real phenomenon and probably holds a great deal of significance and meaning. Here is a good place to start if this is something that interests you.


10 of The Best Crop Circles Ever
Dimitri Medvedev's disclosure
World leaders to discuss aliens

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