Monday, 18 August 2014

Exit the matrix through your Heart

The Heart is an Intelligent Electromagnetic Field Generator. The key to interactive reality creation & multidimensional telepathic consciousness.

Did you know that the human heart is the organ that generates the strongest electromagnetic field of any organ of the human body? In fact, the electromagnetic field of your heart can be measured up to a few feet away from your body. Furthermore, this energy field changes in relation to your emotions. One thing you should know about electromagnetic field is that every organ and cell in your body generate an energy field.

Since the heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field, the information stored in its electromagnetic field affects every organ and cell in your body. Could this be why the heart is the first organ to function in a fetus? Besides generating the strongest electromagnetic field, the heart has an intelligence of its own, which is why many neurocardiologists refer to it as the heart-brain or the fifth brain.

According to neurocardiologists, the heart isn’t made of only muscle cells but also neurons. Researchers at the Institute of HeartMath have done experiments proving that the heart’s role isn’t limited to just pumping blood. They believe it has its own intelligence and plays a major role in the perception of reality.

The heart, brain, and feelings

The brain and the heart are sometimes said to work in opposition. We are constantly trying to determine whether to place more emphasis on our thoughts or feelings. Rational people would say that the mind is the key to keeping us out of trouble, as the mind thinks in terms of what has the most payoff and is quite possible the safest or most calculated risk.

The heart on the other hand allows us to feel what is best at an internal level that connects to our intuition. Operating with either one of these alone, only the mind or the heart, can sometimes lead us into trouble. The mind can be afraid to seek happiness outside of the comfort zone, and the heart sometimes urges decisions that are unknown and risky, but using the two in balance can bring great clarity to a person.

Follow the heart is a common phrase that is tossed around, but it isn’t necessarily easy to enact. Follow the heart means letting deep feelings draw us one way or another without a logical answer or obvious reasoning. This organ provides a feeling of intuition or guidance, but we must have the contentment and the confidence to understand when it is pushing us in a direction, and then act upon this with complete faith in the outcome. Our feelings are what help us to understand the world beyond logic and therefore they are the keys to understanding the spiritual aspects of ourselves.

The intelligence of the heart

Some researchers and neurocardiologists are pushing the idea that the heart can actually act like another brain, helping to guide us with a different format of intelligence. Many physiological studies are currently being done regarding the interconnection of the heart and the brain, and why certain sensations and feelings are experienced at the level of the heart. Generally, love and certain emotional states are felt at the heart level, producing different physiological reactions of the heart. Heartbeats have been found to be affected by inner states and emotions, including disorder in heart rhythms when we are experiencing stress or negative emotion. Conversely, when we are feeling positively, the heart rhythms are more cohesive and beat more regularly and steadily.

The nervous system of the heart contains roughly 40,000 neurons or sensory neurites. One of its roles is to monitor the heart’s hormones, neurochemicals, heart rate, and pressure information. The information of how these chemicals behave is also sent to the brain. The heart and brain are always communicating through the vagus nerve system and the electromagnetic field of the body. It is through this dynamic communication process that the consciousness of the heart can change how the brain process information. This process can also affect how energy flows in the body.

These findings indicate that the heart works with the brain and body, including the amygdala, to process emotions and incorporate emotional memories. The amygdala is the part of the brain that assists us in making decisions about incoming information and processing them based on our past experiences. This shows a link between the emotions and feelings and the actual brain and body physiology. Other mental attitudes and stress also affect the body and our overall health, and these issues can be linked to the heart as well. Recent scientific research has determined that the emotions of anger, anxiety, and other negative feelings can significantly increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, stressful situations and high anxiety levels negatively affect the heart as an organ.

Connecting the brain and the heart as its own emotional processing center is a topic that many researchers are focused on. It has been shown that emotions experienced mentally will also manifest physically in the body, and feelings can affect the rhythms and beating of the heart. The best way to maintain a healthy heart is to not only eat a healthy diet, but also incorporate meditation techniques to balance the energy of the heart and brain.

Why the heart holds the key to world peace

The heart helps us to understand the world through feelings. It allows us to understand our reality in a universal kind of way, giving us universal characteristics. This biological electromagnetic field generator allows us to understand each other at the emotional level and beyond, giving us a sense of connection to all things. This emotional connection is what creates bonding between individuals. For these reasons, the human heart holds the key to uniting humanity. When we learn how to think with our heart, it becomes easier for us to understand others and thus achieving world peace will be a lot easier.

Interactive Reality Creation – Collapse of the Wave Function Into Heart Centered Awareness

Collapse of the wave function is a common quantum physics term that stems from the famous double-slit experiment popularized by physicist Richard Feynman. The double-slit experiment demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles.

Simply stated, scientists were interested in exploring the nature of an electron and wanted to determine whether it was a particle or a wave. When they were in the room observing the electron, it behaved as a particle, which conformed to their expectations. When scientists left the room and were not observing the electron, but videotaped the activity, the electron behaved like an indiscriminate wave. Scientists concluded that the expectations of the researchers collapsed the wave function, changing it from probable wave states to particle-based fixed forms. They concluded that, indeed, the consciousness of the observer collapses the wave function.

So why are we concerned with what a particle may be doing or whether it is waving or not waving when we are not looking at it? When we understand that our observations and expectations actually influence the apparent behavior of reality, then we are empowered to actively play with interactive reality-creation. Reality is neither particle nor wave. It is both and neither simultaneously, and as co-creators with universal consciousness, we influence how reality shapes itself.

Likewise, in our continual observations of our reality, and ourselves, we repeatedly collapse the wave function into a state of sameness, or a state of no-change. We perceive through the same lens of awareness, and that collapses the wave function from various possibility states into the ones we have chosen to observe for ourselves. Our limited lens of awareness creates perceptual biases that filter what we are able to notice and experience.

How we perceive life is a result of how we collapse wave functions. Our perspectives, our observations, our opinions, our thoughts, and our beliefs are continually collapsing the wave function from unlimited possibilities, to probability states, into what we actually observe and perceive as our experience. We see what we expect to see, and we are continually and consistently collapsing the wave function.

When we play in a powerful morphic field, such as ME, it is presumed that we are uncollapsing the wave function from a particle-based, fixed, immutable, limited-perspective reality. We are uncollapsing the wave function from a single causal reality, which is a state of no-change with no flexibility, into wave-based states of possibilities or a state of flux. From a wave-based state of flux, we are able to perform what is referred to as a second weak-collapse of the wave function into a new configuration of consciousness, a new state of change. We are able to move from a state of no-change with no flexibility, to a state of flux, to a new state of change or transformation.

The collapse of the wave function is what happens when we exercise choice. Consider that the field of consciousness potential is a coherent smear of infinite information and undifferentiated potential. Consciousness potential is all-inclusive and excludes nothing. Out of a coherent, undifferentiated infinite field, which is much like a motionless sea of potential, distinct possibility states well up as waves in the expanse that decoheres from the all into subsets. These subsets remain part of the all, but they have wavelike characteristics that are in motion and can be tracked by the intuitive right brain. From that state of decoherence, these possibility waves become even more probable in that some waves have more density or are more heavily weighted with information. Possibility waves that are more densely weighted become probability states that are then more likely to collapse. When we allow for choice to enter through the left brain logic frame of the observer, there is a collapse of the wave function from multiple probable states into actuality, much like a drop of water coalescing with the sand. Wave transforms into particle, as consciousness, through individual observation, collapses into wave function, and what is noticed is matter, form, and experience.

Collapse of Wave Function and Torsion Fields

Torsion fields are everywhere, even in our personal fields.

When we collapse the wave function from possibility to actuality as a defined personal perspective (particle of reality), this particle of electron-perspective has a spin (an angular momentum of perspective). Each perspective or particle spin creates a torsion field in its wake.

An individual perspective, represented and reflected by the wave function collapse, also creates a torsion field that is encoded as part of collective consciousness. As we know, torsion fields can transmit and receive information anywhere at anytime. Thus, our personal perspective creates a torsion field that encodes the information of our angle or personal vantage point. This torsion field is then enfolded within the torsion fields of the ether, or the universal fabric of consciousness. Our unique spin on things is encoded in the hologram.

Our choices, thoughts, emotions, and consistently held states are available for others to resonate with, through torsion fields. This is perhaps why our personal thoughts, emotions, choices, and resonance can influence the world, which lends exciting understanding to Mahatma Gandhi’s famous proclamation, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

When we become the change we wish to see, our individual body hologram of light emits torsion fields based on the spin of our particular electrons or personal vantage point. Change the spin, and you change what becomes more likely to occur for you and for the collective consciousness.

Our thoughts, emotions, and choices do not happen in a vacuum; they influence what is expressed from the vacuum of infinite potential. How we collapse the wave function, as well as how we uncollapse the wave function, influences everything, because everything is connected and everything is synchronized through reciprocal torsion-field communication by one, with the all.

Our personal perspectives, which can change in an instant, have an effect that reverberates out to collective consciousness. This ripple effect has no limits in the same way universal consciousness is unlimited in its potential.

Playing in Waves Changes the Tide and Current

Some speculate that an uncollapse of the wave function happens naturally when we play. Play puts us in our hearts and enables us to bypass our linear, logical, analytical brain, which constructs reality based on what is familiar. The logical part of the brain compartmentalizes and segregates information. It sorts through information, based on similarities, by categorizing and organizing what it encounters. It notices what is the same, not what is different. This part of our awareness separates, identifies, and names. The linear, logical part of the brain, often referred to as the left brain, is a serial processor that is capable of tracking little more than a few bits of information at a time. As such, the left brain maintains order in reality by collapsing the wave function from multiple waves of possibilities into just one choice. Each choice seems to follow the prior choice in a linear, sequential fashion.

The reasoning left brain part of awareness decides what to perceive, based on what it already knows, and then only what is familiar is noticed and subsequently experienced. The left brain appears to be governed by a separative, particle-based reality. The left brain is the mechanism that chooses. It subjects its awareness to only the limited drop of water, which has separated out from the wave into the sand. The left brain collapses the wave function; perceiving with limitations, to see exactly what it expects to see.

When we learn to expand our awareness into a state of playfulness, beyond any expectations, agendas, or attachment to outcomes, beyond what we expect to see, beyond thinking, then we enter into the domain of right brain awareness. By perceiving via the intuitive right brain, we are able to readily uncollapse the wave function into various possibility waves that await our further recognition.

The intuitive part of our brain, often referred to as the right brain, is a parallel processor that is able to track and follow multiple waves of possibilities simultaneously. The right brain can track patterns of information as probabilities before they become actualized. The language of the right brain is symbolic in nature and is very pattern oriented. It can track and follow connections that typically are not captured by the segregating serial processing of the left brain. The right brain appears to be governed by waves of interconnecting grids of possibilities. It is able to follow many waves prior to their becoming droplets of choice in the sand.

By dropping down into the field of the heart, we enter into a coherent state of awareness, thus bypassing the segregation and limitations of the mind and accessing the totality of consciousness before the wave collapses.

We go directly to the sea of coherent potential that resides in the field of the heart. We tap into consciousness potential by connecting to the most authentic part of ourselves that knows itself as whole, limitless, timeless, and dimensionless. We leverage coherence within a unified field when we drop into heart-centered awareness. There is no doing from that state of heart-centered being. It is an altered state of consciousness that, when embodied, becomes a vehicle for a new reality based in unity, love, and limitless potential.

Dropping into the torus field of the heart is as easy as breathing. We usually do not think about breathing, and yet it happens. Similarly, we often do not notice when we are in or out of our heart space. Noticing heart-centered awareness assists us in consistently and effortlessly accessing a space of grace where transformation is most likely to occur.

Telepathic Consciousness in Higher Dimensions of Heart, Mind, and Body

As we awaken to our true multidimensional humanity, we become aware of our unlimited consciousness abilities of Infinite Being.  We are Infinite Divine Being in unity consciousness experiencing the cosmos through incarnate form. Within a heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we can experience a seamless harmonic communication exchange of pure meaning. This type of direct communication from the higher mind in the heart has been historically referred to as “telepathy.”  We will find that the unveiled frictionless frequencies of information transmission and decoding in a telepathic consciousness are very natural in a higher dimensional humanity.

The Fear-Based Conflict, Control, and Separation Matrix Infecting Humanity

For thousands of years, humanity on Earth has experienced the spirit, soul, and body within a very limited 3D frequency band of consciousness through the five physical senses and the fear-based egoic level of the mind.  The false system of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to decode and sense life experience in dense energetic frequencies of extreme limitation and disharmony. By being restricted to a slower and dense frequency range of conflict, the pure flow of love and creativity of the true Divine human has been blocked by fear-based thoughts, negative emotional encoding, traumas, and body armor. This restricted flow of human multidimensional energies reduces life force, and thus inhibits love, creative expression, and the natural state of the physical body that is beyond all disease.

As a result of the narrow frequency band of fear-based duality perception, humanity has negative emotional encodings and limiting beliefs in a separation of the conscious and unconscious mind.  The restriction to the very narrow frequency band of information that is consciousness vibrating at a dense level of the physical has veiled humanity from its true capabilities of nonlocal consciousness in Divine Being.  All of the accumulated traumas, attachments to lower frequency emotions, and repetitive limiting thought patterns have reduced the full energetic transduction and emanation capability of the heart center.

Higher Dimensional Communication and Creativity

With the full capacity of the heart to experience and express the higher dimensional light and love of the Divine, humanity can restore the ability of the higher mind through the brain to decode, transmit, and express multiple frequencies and bandwidths of information and consciousness.  The higher mind operating from within the organization of the heart has the abilities of instantaneous memory, telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation. In this article, we will focus on the ability and experience of telepathic consciousness.

We are infinite and eternal souls experiencing our awareness with the physical frequencies of consciousness that organize and express as the physical vehicle of the body. We are experiencing a level of incarnate form that is humanity on Earth. The current experience of incarnation has been in a very dense range of inharmonic duality within the third dimension.  The level of conflict, control, and separation that has been conditioning Earth humanity for thousands of years does not reflect who humanity truly is as infinite multidimensional beings.

There are many dimensions and levels of experiencing incarnations within the universe.  The true Divine freedom of the human being can best learn in a consciousness of infinite choice of love and creativity within the incarnate experience. Most incarnate soul experiences within the many dimensions of the cosmos experience their soul evolution in these frequencies of consciousness.  Earth humanity now has a choice to awaken and ascend to these harmonic frequencies and move beyond the severe control frequencies that have enslaved and imprisoned the incarnate experience on this planet.

Communication that is nonlocal, multidimensional, harmonic, and of pure meaning is foundational to the learning through unlimited love and creativity.  Living from a heart-centered unity consciousness is a fully cooperative experience of our unique being in shared unity with others. The seamless, open, free, and purely understood communication of telepathic consciousness is natural to our unique soul experience and our shared activity to further unlimited creative human expression of Divine Being.

Language in a Limited 3D Frequency

The story of the Tower of Babel is one aspect of the narrow frequency of human communication that has impeded our true nature.  When the negative force intervened within humanity on Earth, the resulting consciousness encodings restricted awareness to a level of miscommunication, misperception, and misunderstanding of the egoic mind using symbol and sound within a fear-based consciousness.  There is a limitation of knowing through language communication using 2D and 3D symbols and frequencies in visible light and in the auditory range of the present physical senses.

Currently, language in the visual and auditory band of the human physical senses within the limited 3D consciousness is only partial.  The 3D language tools are incapable of communicating full meaning.  The meaning is greatly stepped down and must be interpreted.  Thus, at this level humanity is constantly working under a dark veil of misperception and misinterpretation.  As a result, the egoic mind works incessantly to deal with this conflict and creates tremendous background noise and static.  In this type of language communication through stepped down frequencies that do not have the energy to carry precise information, meaning is diluted and distorted.  Within this dense frequency band, humanity never has full unimpeded communication.  There is always a level of disharmonic friction.

When the senses and communication abilities are limited to a particular 3D bandwidth, the only way to receive and express pure meaning is in silence beyond words.  We can do this, even in the vastly reduced level of decoding consciousness in 3D, because we have multidimensional awareness of infinite consciousness as souls in Divine Being.  We can directly communicate the love of the Divine which infinitely transcends the slow and friction based frequencies of 3D language.

Before we discuss our awakening to the full message communication of the higher mind in a heart-centered consciousness, we need to describe one other capability of the visible and audible frequencies of language.  While we are focusing on the severe limitations of this form of communication as compared to our higher dimensional communication abilities in a much broader spectrum of energy, we will first mention the gifts of even this lower level communication.  First, the ability to communicate the level of meaning that we currently do in 3D is a remarkable use of just the current visible light frequency and present frequencies of hearing.  It is a powerful intelligent use of the lower level 3D communication tools to communicate a relatively high level of meaning with the limits of symbols and sound combinations within the narrow range of the present decoding capabilities of humans for light and sound.

Secondly, words in symbols and sounds do have the ability to hold and emanate the frequencies of consciousness of the communicator.  Even higher dimensional meaning can be encoded within the sequencing and expression of words and multi-frequencies of sound, as well as carrying the frequencies of intent, emotions, and feelings of the communicator.  The soul has found ways to communicate its essence even among the most limiting and narrow frequency bands.  Even with some level of success within daunting limitation, it remains extremely challenging to communicate through perpetual inharmonic and conflicting energies that cannot convey full meaning.

Higher Dimensional Mind and Body Communication within the Heart

Humanity is awakening and evolving beyond its narrow level of consciousness in dense 3D frequencies.  We are healing the conditioning and attachments to low level trauma frequencies and opening to the full capacity of heart consciousness to receive and emanate higher dimensional energy. Within the heart, the full capabilities of the mind and physical brain can return to humanity. In order for humans to see, hear, feel, and know in the fullness of multidimensional and nonlocal frequencies, the nervous system must be balanced. This balance will enable the part of the hormonal system through the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and the pineal gland to decode and transmit higher frequencies of light. With the heart consciousness remembering the infinite unity of the soul in Divine Being, biophotons can communicate through the cellular network of the body through a DNA manifestation that expresses the Divine human.

We begin to open to our full meaning and conflict free communication at the 5D and 6D frequencies of consciousness.  In telepathic consciousness, there are no longer any 3D interference frequencies of the uncertain conscious mind and the unconscious mind chatter.  The awareness of the Divine consciousness from the higher mind within the heart and through the body is a noiseless, no static state.  Therefore, in this harmonic awareness without the friction of conflict, humanity is free to love, and create as both personal souls and in intersubjective unity with other humans and all of creation.

The higher mind frequencies are able to communicate the full message without misunderstanding in all situations.  This frees the soul incarnate to fully create and to develop their soul evolution.  Within this consciousness of complete loving communication without the veils, misperceptions, and conflict, humanity can express infinite choice and creativity. All choices have no conflict or negative impact on other souls. Infinite intelligence organizes in cooperative frequencies to enable ever higher levels of creativity.  The gifts of all souls will be working in harmonic conjunction with other souls to further their own soul evolution and creativity and their shared experiences and gifts.

There is no misperception of meaning and nothing is hidden between personal souls. At this dimensional level of consciousness, there is a whole new meaning of teacher, student, and learning. It is a cooperative exchange of information to further the creative mission of each.  The understanding and flow of information is open as all parties intuitively know the information and knowledge that is meant to be exchanged in order to further their purpose in love and creativity.

Within the higher dimensional consciousness in Divine unity, communication is a telepathic exchange where the parties know the meaning of the shared encounter.  The dynamic power of higher frequency light is uninhibited by doubt, fear, misunderstanding, or competitive conflict.  Each unique soul in total freedom works in unity with others within the cooperative purpose for knowledge in furthering the infinity of creativity and love.

Within the heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we have full memory and instantaneous nonlocal communication to all in the universe through our multidimensional Being.  Fifth dimensional life and beyond is a dynamic interchange conveying information through our multisensory and multichannel mind within an incarnate physical body that can tune and emanate these frequencies.  May we continue to awaken to our true Divine human consciousness so as to remember, restore, and evolve our harmonic telepathic consciousness on Earth.

The Four Stages of Consciousness:

Author Melissa Joy Jonsson: M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential [via wakingtimes] bio here.

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