The definition of the word ‘power’ according to Oxford Dictionary is “…the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Political or social authority or control, especially that exercised by a government.”
The 48 Laws of Power is a very popular book that was written by author Robert Green. On a street side note, besides being popular among corporate executives and the general public, this particular book is popular amongst current street hustlers. It is incredibly educational to read and provides a unique perspective and ‘ingredient’ list of the laws of ‘power’ as implemented by the most ‘powerful’ (and ill-meaning) people of our time throughout our most recent history. If you don’t have the time to read it, I believe that the 11th law of power sums it all up. It is the most crucial to understand in order to get your mind to comprehend why ‘power’ or ‘authority’ as we know it today, is a crumbling illusion we naively bought into. This is good news everybody, keep reading and I will explain why!
The 11th Law of Power is “Learn to keep people dependent on you.” ”What makes you powerful is not your skill nor force but your ability to create a relationship of dependence. People can not get rid of you when they need you. When people extremely depend on you, even though they are on the higher position, you hold the power over all of them… People usually depend on you whenever they feel that you can secure them. Thus, impress others that you are the only one to secure them and there are no substitutes.” Mark Twain once said: “It is easier to fool people than to convince then that they have been fooled.”
Bottom line: those who wish to impose dependence on others, are attempting to control or bamboozle them. And where is the good in that? Before your mind jumps to the programmed ‘it’s for our own good, it’s for our own protection, its for national security’, please let me re-quote Mr. Green on Law 11: ”People usually depend on you whenever they feel that you can secure them. Thus, impress others that you are the only one to secure them and there are no substitutes.” See where I’m going with this?… You might as well replace the politically correct word ‘impress’ with ‘bamboozle.’
How do you plant the seed of dependency on the sovereign independent individual, state, nation or republic? Well, here are a few examples: If you can create a relationship of dependency between the mass public and social assistance, by out-sourcing jobs and deflating the economy, then it suffices to point out that the authority of said ‘assistance’ people are depending on, holds the power. As long as you keep deflating the economy, then you hold the power. It’s pretty common knowledge that the big families that run the banks that own/hold ‘power’ over our current economy, need to keep the people in a suppressed economic state in order to ‘hold’ their power. Also, you could manufacture false flag ‘terror’ events, to drag the ignorant into lower vibrations of fear and hate and then continually perpetuate those lower vibrations through tools like media, the conventional food and water supply, religious belief systems, mass education programs, wars in the name of peace, racism, you get the picture….
When you empower an individual with the true knowledge about how our projected reality here on Earth in the 3rd dimension works, you turn that magic ‘switch’ on in their mind that you made them forget was there to begin with. They start to remember who they are and how thrilling this whole experience here was meant to be. The problem thus far today is that the true knowledge about how this reality manifests through the power of one’s mind individually and hence collectively has been watered down and tainted. The mainstream version of reality we have been collectively swallowing, was duped to begin with. The current ‘official’ bamboozled version offers an unhealthy sad reality with mixed results.
Its not your fault! Your focus, perception and beliefs were hijacked by the few who understood the nature of this reality, and impressed ignorantly upon you since your birth through different sophisticated tools such as the mis-use of media. ‘They,’ the past elite, mistakenly believed that you should not think for yourself! Why? Because when you choose to choose your thoughts, you just flipped the ‘power’ script which was an illusion to begin with. The perceived power dissolves and ceases to ‘manifest’ or exist quite simply… The deck of cards comes falling down almost instantly…

If a thought doesn’t serve you, discard it and replace it with a better one that is in line with love which is the highest and most powerful vibration. You know the saying “with great power comes great responsibility”? Well I agree, and I foresee no danger whatsoever in empowering the people with this responsibility. The only true power is the power of love as corny as that may sound.
Why? Because we all know deep down, and we are all remembering, that infinite love and respect is the only truth, that we are all connected and that every thought and every action we take affects the whole. ”Do to others as you would have them do to you” Luke 6:31 NIV If you ‘get’ that and implement being the change in your own life simply, then you already ‘get’ that you don’t even need to worry about what the rotten apples are doing. ‘They’ are trying to divide, destroy and push forth an even crappier reality. Some of us have already tuned out of it, and the most of us are tuning out of it on an incremental basis. We’ve had enough, the gig is up, and it’s time to move up! ‘They’ are just self-destructing really. No need to get angry or yell or protest violently, that’s their game. If you respond to bullshit with the same level of consciousness that created it, then you’ve lost because you are contributing to its perpetuation. I’m reminded of something I read by Steve Harvey: ”don’t hate the player, CHANGE the game.” Agreed Mister Harvey, and I’ll add onto that: To change the game (the reality), tune into a higher frequency.
The truth is already out, and needs no defense. When we fully remember and comprehend the power of our mind, our life experience here on Earth ‘changes’ drastically. Dare I say that this new earth frequency is already here, and has always been here. I have begun to attune myself to it and now that I’m remembering, consequently my quality of life is improving drastically. I know in my heart that we are all attuning into this higher frequency of consciousness that is based in love and respect. The only reason we are still ‘seeing’ and ‘experiencing’ suffering is because we are still tuned into it on some level. The static of this lower frequency is still interfering into our expanding consciousness. We are elevating to this higher energetic frequency (that has always been available to us), and once this wave of ascension washes away our limiting beliefs, well buckle in and enjoy the ride!
Don’t believe me? Watch a beautiful documentary called Craigslist Joe and you will begin to understand that once you surrender and let go of any belief or emotion based in fear, the universe takes care of everybody! And I trust that everybody here only wants love and respect at the basis of all our other wants, and so it shall be! They, the few rotten apples, who suppressed this amazing exciting powerful truth from us, only did so out of a negative intention based in lower frequencies of greed, hate, control and fear.

they are not a match to it energetically. That’s it, that’s all, simple. That’s why when you begin to upgrade your mind frequency, all the bullshit in your life effortlessly disappears. And when you keep at it and learn to maintain that higher frequency through persistent practice, you no longer manifest any ‘bad’ in your life. In fact, any situation that manifests that you may have in the past perceived to be a problem (like a flat tire), you now perceive as a catalyst of opportunity, a step, that is just bringing you closer to your ultimate goal. So get your mind right and the rest will follow.
When you set the truth free, you EMPOWER the people. As a result, they remember to look within and be dependent on themselves through their inner guidance system which functions like a compass, the directions being your emotions. Feels good? Keep going that way. Feels bad? Re-evaluate, exercise discernment, choose new thought, new direction. Think about the word ‘independent’ for a minute. It implies to look within. Focus on love and abundance and freedom, and hold it the best you can until it becomes automatic. Accordingly, you pull in the the corresponding frequencies and hence you manifest people, circumstances and events that pull in those higher frequencies you are focused on. It works the opposite way as well.
And there-in lies the oh so scary ‘oh my gosh what will happen if we let go of the leash’ consequence for the few ‘elite’ in empowering the people. The invisible chains of dependency that said authority of power tied to your neck to begin with, just ‘disappear’ because freedom of mind knows no chains. The individual, and hence the collective, no longer mentally consent to tune into the lower frequencies (beliefs, thoughts) of fear based in suppression. The bullshit disappears quite simply because the vibrations just don’t match anymore so they cannot be pulled in to manifest. The pyramid falls apart because the suppressed base where the oppression was concentrated FLIPS the script, flips the pyramid, and ascends into a higher level of consciousness and a new reality. Think about how mistakenly inverted the world is today: Doctor’s destroy health, the judicial system destroys freedom and the government destroys knowledge/information, in a nutshell. It’s all backwards. IT’S TIME FOR US ALL TO WAKE UP and FLIP THE SCRIPT. It doesn’t require any physical effort or money or time, its a shift in awareness, that’s it.
Fear is no longer a frequency the awakened conscious individual tunes into because he or she understands the gift and responsibility of thought, and when the momentum of that truth reaches the point where it affects the majority of the collective consciousness as a whole, those past suppressed beliefs systems will cease to manifest in this reality. This is where our world is going! I think this is so cool!
Now, in my opinion, the only reason we are still seeing this plethora of world wide negative events and ‘in your face’ ridiculousness is 1) to awaken the last of us who are still mentally stuck in the past control structure through shock therapy. Because, some of us are so desensitized that this particular intensity in duality is needed to snap us out of the trance-like thinking and state of ‘powerlessness’ that they are stuck in. 2) Because the past fear based control structure was already aware of the current awakening in consciousness that is unfolding and this is its last ditch desperate attempt to hang onto the past power infrastructure which the people are tuning out of. As long as we remember that our power lies in the broadcasting ability of the mind through the thoughts and beliefs we consciously and subconsciously entertain and choose, we are free!
There is a great book called the 50th Law that Curtis Jackson wrote with Robert Green. I loved it, and I would definitely recommend it. The 50th law of power is the law of fearlessness. Courage is about taking action despite the presence of fear. And when you begin do that consistently, you eliminate fear. When you eliminate fear, you reset your creative power and you begin to align with higher frequencies.
To wrap this up, allow me to share some very profound lyrics written by Tupac Shakur in the song “Changes”:
We gotta make a change…
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
and let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
I say, that once we get our mind right and master the basics, we will thrive! It is that simple.
Isabelle Beenen
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