The topic of prolonging life has been subject to debate over the past few years, especially as the human race continues to advance with regards to science and technology.
More evidence is continually emerging to show that prolonging life and repairing biological damage created by old age is indeed possible, and very realistic. A Russian scientists and his team of researchers seem to have unlocked a portion to the mystery of aging and prolonging life.
Prolonging life is not a new idea, throughout ancient history, religion, philosophy, mysticism, hermeticism and occultism as well as all others under that umbrella of definitions, it has been a recurring theme. A few examples are the Elixir of Immortality and the Philosopher’s stone(s), sought after Before the Common Era (BCE), all the way up through the middle ages and in many religions like Buddhism for example. It was also prominent in South/East Asian, African and European dynasties.
The concept and the perceived reality of its existence has been prevalent throughout medieval times all the way up to the interests of Isaac Newton and more. It even seems to still be lingering around today, suggesting that these concepts have been around for all of our known existence. If the full secrets are known, and if it is indeed ‘hidden science’ within a world we know nothing about, maybe one day we will be ready for it. I imagine if powerful concepts such as the Philosopher’s stone exist, we wouldn’t want them ending up in the hands of a consciousness that does not wish to do “good” with it.
Regardless, as we continue to expand our knowledge of how things work, we are bound to figure these things out for ourselves one day.
A team of scientists, led by Vladimir P. Skulachev -the Dean of the School of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at MSU -have begun work further looking into this subject. Vladimir is a regarded as one of the worlds best in his field, and is the founder of “mitochondrial electricity” and the “Skulachev Ion,” which are penetrating ions that are electrophoretically targeted to mitochondria. His discoveries may extend human life span and cure age-related disease including cancer, cataracts and osteoporosis. The drug works by targeting mitochondrial oxidation.
They first made the discovery regarding “eternal life” in 1972, but it was not put on paper until 2005. Oxygen, according to Dr. Skulachev is one of the most dangerous substances in the human body. When cells become over saturated with active forms of oxygen they become oxidized, which leads to an early death.
The body produces poisons, one of the most malicious poisons is generated at the heart of each cell in the Mitochondria. On one hand, they supply the body with energy and on the other, they gradually kill us. The older we are, the more poison we have in our bodies in the form of free radicals – Maksim Skulachev
There is a biological mechanism which makes cells age, Dr. Skulachev theorizes that a new biological process is set in motion immediately after a mother gives birth. This process makes the body destroy itself. Maybe if the Philosopher’s stone(s) did/do exist, it altered our DNA, or made genetic reparations to the ones who had them in their possession? What Dr. Skulachev is trying to do is stop this process, thus stopping everything that comes along with old age, including death.
Given that aging is programmed, it can be stopped like any other program. In that case, ailments characteristic of old age will be nipped in the bum, we won’t age. 99 percent of the time oxygen turns into harmless water, but there is that one percent that later turns into very poisonous elements. The task was to find an antioxidant that stops that process – Vladimir Skulachev
That development is called the Skulachev Ion. They do not promise eternal life, they simply try to prolong the active period of life, to grant humanity with years of healthy, productive and happy living. Results from Skulachev’s work shows that the Skulachev Ion: (These conclusions are a result of numerous publications that you can view here)
- Reduces age-dependent mortality rate
- Slows down rethinopathies development
- Slows down cataract development
- Slows down uveitis development
- Slows down glaucoma development
- Prevents hypothermy development
- Reduces the area of myocardial infarction
- Prevents heart arrhythmia
- Prevents kidney infarction–induced death
- Slows down age-dependent decline of immunity
- Prevents age-dependent decline in limphocyte-neutrophil ratio in blood
- Slows down thymus degeneration
- Slows down degeneration of follicles responsible for b-limphocyte development
- Slows down development of certain cancer types
- Slows down reproductive functions dissipation in females
- Slows down disappearance of sexual motivation in males
- Slows down age-dependent decline of wound-healing
- Slows down osteoporosis development
- Prevents balding
- Slows down canities
- Prevents senile anemia
- Prevents senile depression development
- Prevents age-dependent stimulation of apoptosis by hydrogen peroxide
- Prevents age-dependent β-galaktosidase induction
- Prevents phosphorylation of histone H2AX
- Reduces age-dependent peroxide oxidation of lipids
- Reduces age-dependent protein carbonylation
Although we in general do not support animal testing, this was a different case. Mice who were old in age and suffering from a number of ailments have been tested. Life-long treatment of mice with the Skulachev ion resulted in the increase of their lifespan when compared to a control group, but the increase was a minor one. At the same time, the average median lifespan of tested mice increased significantly when compared to a control group. This means that the number of mice with this longest lifespan was substantially higher in the Skulachev ion treated mice. For example, more than half of the mice of the control group died by the 300th day, whereas almost all the animals were still alive in the group that was receiving the ion. It is also important to mention that the increase of the lifespan of the mice treated was accompanied by improvement of their overall quality of life. In a control group of 630 day old mice, some were loosing whiskers, becoming bald and humpbacked. They were failing into a stupor and had a reduced body temperature. Mice that were receiving the ion were lacking all those senescence signs.
There are over 300 professionals from 40 different institutions currently working on this project. Studies have been published multiple times that indicate the reality of this phenomenon (as illustrated earlier in the article).
Here is an abstract from one of them:
Plastoquinone, a very effective electron carrier and antioxidant of chloroplasts, was conjugated with decyltriphenylphosphonium to obtain a cation easily penetrating through membranes. This cation, called SkQ1, is specifically targeted to mitochondria by electrophoresis in the electric field formed by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The respiratory chain also regenerates reduced SkQ1H2 from its oxidized form that appears as a result of the antioxidant activity of SkQ1H2. SkQ1H2 prevents oxidation of cardiolipin, a mitochondrial phospholipid that is especially sensitive to attack by reactive oxygen species (ROS). In cell cultures, SkQ1 and its analog plastoquinonyl decylrhodamine 19 (SkQR1) arrest H2O2-induced apoptosis. When tested in vivo, SkQs (i) prolong the lifespan of fungi, crustaceans, insects, fish, and mice, (ii) suppress appearance of a large number of traits typical for age-related senescence (cataract, retinopathies, achromotrichia, osteoporosis, lordokyphosis, decline of the immune system, myeloid shift of blood cells, activation of apoptosis, induction of β-galactosidase, phosphorylation of H2AX histones, etc.) and (iii) lower tissue damage and save the lives of young animals after treatments resulting in kidney ischemia, rhabdomyolysis, heart attack, arrhythmia, and stroke. We suggest that the SkQs reduce mitochondrial ROS and, as a consequence, inhibit mitochondriamediated apoptosis, an obligatory step of execution of programs responsible for both senescence and fast “biochemical suicide” of an organism after a severe metabolic crisis (1)
Here is another:
A concept was put forward considering mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) as key intermediates of programmed aging of organism. As a consequence of such a concept, it was suggested that aging program can be retarded (or even switched off) by mitochondria-targeted antioxidants [5]. To this end, 10-(6’- plastoquinonyl) decyltriphenyl phosphonium cation (SkQ1) was synthesized. It was shown that SkQ1 (i) is good penetrant for model and mitochondrial membranes, (ii) has very high affinity to membranes, (iii) is reduced by center i of Complex III of mitochondrial respiratory chain in the inner leaflet of the inner mitochondrial membrane, (vi) electrophoretically accumulates in this leaflet, being driven by mitochondrial membrane potential, (v) prevents peroxidation of mitochondrial cardiolipin by mROS, (vi) arrests the ROS-induced apoptosis and necrosis, (vii) prolongs the lifespan of various organisms (from fungi and plants to mammals), (viii) retards development of many traits of age-related diseases [1-7] (2)
Playing God?

When thinking about this, I also think about the many anti-aging antioxidant mechanisms that already exist in nature. And the fact that it is a scientific fact that humans can alter the aging process and reverse ailments through diet alone. There are also certain species (like the bowhead whale) that behave as if they were already taking this anti-aging antioxidant. Another example is the roundworm (3).
Alchemical Symbolism and the Philosopher’s Stone
Alchemy, The Philosophers Stone, and eternal life are completely separate subjects on their own and each require a lot of research (more than I have done) to understand. It dives into all parts of human history, and into worlds that are not examined, confirmed or considered relevant to our present existence. I thought I’d leave you with a few quotes from from The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Written By Manly P. Hall. If you are interested in this concept, Manly P. Hall is one source of many that illustrates the reality of this concept throughout ancient history. It’s a good place to start. Basically, the point I’m trying to illustrate is that the Philosopher(s) stone could indeed be real, and could be linked to eternal life among other things. Until we find it, the work done by the researchers at Moscow State University illustrate how little we still know about our own human body and it’s biological processes.
Maybe one day the human race will be ready for something of such magnitude, I personally believe we will. Right now we have a lot of growing to do in many other areas.We can’t expect to achieve anything unless we are a planet in which all beings live in harmony with each other, and our society rids the fabricated excuses made to prolong conflict on the planet. It’s time to move past that type of energy, and energetically lift the planet up into a completely new vibration.
The alchemical philosophers used the symbols of salt, sulphur, and mercury to represent not only chemicals but the spiritual and invisible principles of God, man and the universe. The three substances existing in four worlds, with the sum adding up to the sacred number 12. These 12 are the foundation stones of the sacred city. In line with the same idea Pythagoras asserted that the dodecahedron, or twelve-faved symmetrical geometric solid, was the foundation of the universe. Maybe there not be a relation also between this mysterious 3 times 4 and the four parties o three which in the legend of the third degree of Freemasonry go forth to the four angels of the cherubim, the composite creature of four parts?
As one of the great alchemists fittingly observed, man’s quest for gold is often his undoing, for he mistakes the alchemical processes, believing them to be purely material. He does not realize that the Philosopher’s Golf, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Philosopher’s Medicine exist in each of the four worlds and that the consummation of the experiment cannot be realized until it is successfully carried on in four worlds simultaneously according to one formula. Furthermore, one of the constituents of the alchemical formula exists only within the nature of man himself, without which his chemicals will not combine, and though he spend his life and fortune in chemical experimentation, he will not produce the desired end. The paramount reason why the material scientist is incapable of uplifting the achievements of the mediaeval alchemists – although he follow every step carefully and accurately – is that the subtle element which comes out of the nature of the illuminated and regenerated alchemical philosopher is missing in his experimentation
This is the strength of all powers. This is a very strong figure, that does positively posses all the powers concealed in Nature, not for destruction but for exaltation and regeneration of matter, in the three departments of nature. With all this thous wilt be able to overcome all things, and to transmute all what is fine and what is corse. It will conquer every subtle thing, of course, as it refixes the most subtle Oxygen into its own fiery Nature and that with more power, penetration and virtue
The Philosophers stone is really the philosopher’s stone, for philosophy is truly likened to a magic jewel whose touch transmutes base substances into priceless gems like itself. Wisdom is the alchemist’s powder of projection which transforms which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment
The Philosophers stone contains all the powers of nature, it is established by the harmony of the four elements
All publications not presented here are mentioned and highlighted throughout the article, just click on the highlighted word.
Arjun Walia
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