One thing that we should be seriously concerned about is astronomer’s nonchalant attitude in their observation of the encounter of the G2 cloud with our Galaxy’s core. As noted in the Galactic Pinball posting about the G2 cloud encounter, astronomers are actually hoping to see “fireworks” to learn more about how “black holes dine”.
They don’t realize that, if the galactic core does erupt in fireworks strong enough to produce a superwave, then the moment we see the outburst, the superwave cosmic rays will be here at our doorstep and will start to bite us. Perhaps they think that just because the Galactic center lies 23,000 light years away, there is nothing to worry about.
Evidence that superwaves do exist in active galaxies can be seen in the case of the nearby “starburst galaxy” M82 in which astronomers have recently observed a radio source moving at the superluminal speed of 4.2c. This phenomenon is produced by cosmic rays traveling rectilinearly through the galaxy’s central region at very close to the speed of light. The emissions we see are coming from cosmic rays following a trajectory aimed close to our line of site. For details about this are discussed in the recent superwave forum posting.
Astronomer Leo Meyer expressed the consensus that the G2 cloud could reach its orbital pericenter (periastron, or point of closest approach to the Galactic core) in just a few months, hence supporting the estimates made by Phifer, et al. and Gillessen, et al. that this point would be reached around March 17th to April 1st, at which point the G2 cloud would be as close as 160 to 200 AU from the Galactic core. Earlier, Eckart, et al. had stated a date as late as May.
A Galactic superwave is an intense cosmic ray particle barrage, accompanied by electromagnetic radiation and possibly a gravity wave that travels isotropically and rectilinearly outwards from the center of our Galaxy at very close to the speed of light. A superwave can last for less than a year or for up to several thousand years as occurred during the last ice age.

About 45% of all one solar mass stars are observed to have a binary companion star, about 60% of all 10 solar mass stars are seen to have stellar companions, and about 75% of all 30 solar mass stars have companion stars.
So for the stated mass range for the G2 cloud star, there is about a 50:50 chance that it will have a stellar companion, and if it doesn’t have a stellar companion, there still remains about a 100% chance that it will have a giant planet or brown dwarf companion. So the situation is beginning to look pretty serious.
Dr. Paul LaViolette
The Starburst foundation
G2 Gas Cloud Simulation:
Paul LaViolette Galactic Super Wave Paper:
Get Ready for ... A SUPERWAVE:
Interview with Dr. Paul LaViolette - with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot:
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