The most precious gift given to humanity besides its very existence and innate connectivity to universal Source is the gift of free will. We can choose.
We ultimately have the power to make decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately this concept is buried under the rubble of ignorance and social engineering and of course becomes a very complex matter as life’s input and experiences complicate our entire decision-making process.
And freedom and free will? They’re generally relegated to philosophical treatises and ideological tugs of war in the political arena. Nicely sectored off to where they can’t touch our consciousness and every day living.
Many argue that in today’s circumstance we are not free to make our own decisions, that in effect we often don’t even have free will as evidenced by history. This strikes at the root of the problem. Disempowerment via thinking we need permission versus knowledge of our inborn nature of pure freedom. It may appear that it’s been deprived at times. Free will seems to be often negated or seriously limited under certain circumstances, either by choice, coercion or collusion.
But is it really, no matter how draconian? After all, much of humanity seems to not even know that it is inherently free, never mind does it appear to even want to fully exercise such a sense of inborn freedom.
The Majesty of Choice
We are crowned with the ultimate gift: a completely autonomous conscious will. We can choose what we say, what we do, what we respond to, what we give our attention and energy to. Again, it may not appear so with the way society is structured and judging by the very bound condition and behavior of mankind. While the idea of freedom still distantly rings in the hearts of men, it has taken on many severely compromised meanings. On purpose.
In addition, for some reason it appears we’ve given up our freedom to varying degrees in exchange for something. But in exchange for what? Security? Acceptance? Ease?
It sure appears that way. But how did this come about? And who said we had to trade anything? Was it a deliberately designed trade off to keep humanity in servitude with an illusion of choice? Looking at the contrived and extremely controlling political and economic structure of our planet’s various societies and the miserable state of most of its inhabitants, it’s clear something is seriously wrong. Especially with a clearly ruthless ruling class of uber-privileged riding the backs of the oppressed who are the ones producing the goods.
Throw Off the Shackles
Is our lost sense of true unshakable spiritual freedom exactly that which would empower
humanity to throw off the shackles of a system built on carefully manipulated voluntary slavery? Is this what the war on the human body, mind and spirit is all about? To block our remembrance?
When someone has come to an awakening of true consciousness, or should I say to consciousness since it in itself was never asleep, something profound happens. And continues to unfold. We tap into Source – unadulterated, unfiltered, unlimited, infinite creative Source, or whatever you want to call It. This is where the spiritual and the metaphysical meet the mental and psychological, where true science and knowledge meet the great synchronous Universal life force.
It’s all essentially One. The compartments are gone. There are no divisions in the essential Oneness and everything makes sense. And it’s because you inherently let go into an experiential perspective where you realize it’s not important to know everything or be anything. You just are and everything is wonderful at that level. A great clarity comes over you.
Of course there are differences in manifestations and there are apparent conflicts on many levels brought on by a variety of influences, but in the context of freedom this is where you find its true reality and definition. The sovereignty of spirit that is the inherent right of everything. And man does it blow away any and all man-made structures of any sort in a hurry!
The False Game of False Choice
Herein lies one of mankind’s dominators’ most effective tools for manipulation. This understanding was documented over the past and previous century, realizing people work harder and better and are more complacent if they feel they have a say so about their captivity. It’s quite remarkable. We’re still a feudal society, they just figured out how to make us build our own prisons while thinking we’re free.
Besides the most obvious example of phony democracy and the easily manipulated voting scheme, glaring assumptions are deliberately embedded into society via religion, false science, hobbling education, social pressure, the media, etc. We’re handed platitudes about hope, change and security while the media pumps amusement, materialism, fashion and other forms of acceptance conditioning to keep the populace totally preoccupied with a comatose state of self indulgence.
And as for capitalism (which all forms of government espouse) that’s the end goal. Your personal satisfaction, at whatever cost to others who weren’t as savvy as you in learning to get what they want.
Fear – The Enemy of Freedom
Why do people cling to corrupt, limiting systems even to their own hurt? Fear of the unknown is very powerful, especially amongst the ignorant. Just fear of not having your next meal can trap you. Fear of being without, fear of being alone, fear of being attacked, fear of dying.
All extremely powerful.
And afraid people will not make conscious decisions, but survival instinct based decisions. Of course there’s a time for that as in the fight or flight response to a very real attack from something, but this response can be very easily triggered just by words and bury any chance of conscious living.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a concept that’s always fascinated me. There’s so much truth in the idea that if your basic needs aren’t met first, how can you think about the more erudite and spiritual notions of our existence? Well, easily. It was a way of life for indigenous cultures for millennia. It was incorporated, and without which the culture based on spiritual connectivity would have collapsed. This is why indigenous peoples have been marked for genocide by these parasitic controllers.
They represent living wisdom. The knowledge of how things naturally work using conscious awareness and the underlying principles of love, sharing, giving and cooperation. Diametrically opposed to the abusive farming techniques of today’s controllers.
Control is the issue, nothing else. Personal empowerment beyond their set boundaries is not an option.
The Enemy Within – Those Who Choose Slavery

There are several famous analogies about this phenomenon. Elephants for example are tied to a stake in the ground with little to circumscribe their maneuverability. They learn their “limitations” well. Later on the rope is removed, but the elephant will stay in the same circumscribed limits. The same has been told of many animals.
It works.
It works on humans as well. Scientists have been capitalizing on this behavioral tendency for a long time, the most famous of which is Pavlov and his salivating dogs. Closely watching those experiments from the start were military personnel. I wonder why. Remember your school period bells ringing like fire alarms between classes? You can thank Pavlov’s work and the implementation of the social engineers.
Entrained response. Same dynamic at work in advertising, politics, religion and any aspect of social engineering.
But can those in such a deep coma awake to realize their innate freedom and thus activate? Who’s to say. It’s a phenomenon to be well aware of. Just remember, groomed dependence is tough to shake for anyone. But anyone can wake up at any time, never ever forget that.
Conclusion – Does Knowledge of Its Innate Freedom Freak Humanity Out?

We’re all up against the wall when it comes to responding to this assault on humanity we’re experiencing. It’s more serious by the day politically, materially, socially, physically, spiritually. It’s a planet gone wild due to the cumulative efforts of manipulating influences that seem to have full sway without anyone knowing how it got that way. We’re seemingly relegated to the observer’s seat, awaiting the decision of some hidden tribunal what shall be our fate.
It’s time to wake the hell up.
It’s bullshit to think humanity has to sit and take this. What’s being perpetrated, no matter how cunning, is a rounding up of the drugged and dazed herd. So many of us can see it clearly for what it is yet seem to be screaming into the ether.
My impetus? The more clearly our challenge and situation is articulated the more conscious activists keep on with their efforts, and on it rolls. We do need to reach a greater audience than those awakening but with the recent setback regarding Syria as well as many other instances that seem to point to our efficacy, we’re on the right track.
And if there’s a better one, well doing what we can now will lead us there in a heartbeat!
Much love, keep on with all your heart,
Zen Gardner
The Complete and Undeniable Truth:
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