I’m the first to admit it seems to be tough to get off our butts sometimes and do or be what’s right. It’s a continual struggle. We’re all human and have the same battles, trials, tests and temptations.
The really ironic thing is that when we’re struggling we’re missing the point right out of the gate.
When we’re struggling it’s time to transcend what’s going on around us and get conscious. When we respond consciously it immediately gets easier. While being fully here and Now is the objective and this realization is complete unto itself, there’s a very practical daily path that leads to fully living this realization and all the life changes it implicates.
And it should rock your world – or you may not be getting the full message. The last thing I want to do is over-spiritualize our situation. We need to take action and now.
Always More Than Meets the Eye
Obviously there’s a lot we’re not consciously aware of. And while it’s good to learn more continually, it’s not what should be our main motivation. Our driving force is spiritual breath and existing and acting responsibly to consciousness. Being as fully awake and aware as possible and experiencing the infinite cosmos to its deepest depth one day at a time is our enlightened life. All else will be fulfilled in its time, but nothing is important enough to postpone living consciously.
What that means to each of us individually is our unique experience. Especially when we find out the radical changes and responsibilities that come with it and we have to make some serious decisions. Hence the challenge to find that out for ourselves, which then needs to be accompanied by a full willingness to go with wherever the awakening takes our souls.
Up to it? Sorry, you’re stuck with it!
Awareness – and Action

It’s getting fully in the Now where we’ll find the clarity to make conscious assessments and decisions and maintain our daily being where we are.
We’ve been actively full time disengaging almost 6 years, getting every little tentacle and spider’s web detached from the existence that is my life. But it all happened when I made the decision to fully disengage. The rest just followed. Getting rid of wrong attachments does take time in most cases, since we’re so flipping registered and seemingly bound with all their damned paperwork and the stuff we accumulate, never mind the social contracts. But do it we must.
In reality it’s all bullshit but cutting the ties does need to be done, stuff needs to be jettisoned, and your new more mobile “backpack” has to be carefully planned and packed with what you do need in order to carry on. And it’s way better to have it done now than have to do it under duress…or even worse perhaps not be able to escape the snare of the matrix when it starts contracting on you.
The wonderful thing is we’ve been having a blast during the whole process, already doing what we love to do without waiting for some future set up, and knowing each step we’re right where we’re supposed to be. Part of that for us is staying on the move, enjoying new sights and meeting new, wonderful people and sharing what we’re learning and learning from others as we go!
Welcome–or Beware–the Accountability Factor
One of the biggest factors to me is accountability. When anyone has been confronted with any real Truth, they are now put on notice. This is especially true when the Truth is made so screamingly clear with the passion and love and commitment of so many of today’s Truth warriors. read more
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